19 November 2024

Blood on the Clocktower Weekly Puzzle archive

This page lists the Blood on the Clocktower puzzles which I've posted weekly to the game's subreddit. I will update the list regularly as new puzzles are posted.

# Title Claimed roles Hidden roles Notes
1 Can the sober Savant solve the puzzle? Savant, Knight, Steward, Investigator, Noble, Seamstress Leviathan, Goblin, Drunk
2 Come Fly With Me Seamstress, Knight, Fortune Teller, Saint, Investigator, Juggler, Clockmaker, Balloonist Leviathan, Goblin, Drunk
3a Not Throwing Away My Shot (7-player) Slayer, Chef, Recluse, Investigator, Washerwoman, Librarian, Empath Imp, Baron, Spy, Poisoner, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
3b Not Throwing Away My Shot (8-player) Slayer, Librarian, Investigator, Saint, Chef, Recluse, Washerwoman, Empath Imp, Baron, Spy, Poisoner, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
4 The Many-Headed Monster Investigator, Empath, Undertaker, Fortune Teller, Librarian, Recluse, Juggler, Dreamer Lord of Typhon, Marionette, Poisoner, Drunk
5a You Only Guess Twice (Alsaahir) Alsaahir, Noble, Knight, Investigator, Empath, Steward, Seamstress Leviathan, Goblin Find an Alsaahir guess to solve the puzzle
5b You Only Guess Twice (Juggler) Juggler, Empath, Seamstress, Steward, Investigator, Noble, Knight Leviathan, Goblin Find a Juggler guess to solve the puzzle
6 Super Marionette Bros Librarian, Saint, Noble, Seamstress, Investigator, Juggler, Knight, Empath, Steward Pukka, No Dashii, Vortox, Marionette, Drunk
7 The Savant Strikes Back Savant, Village Idiot, Fortune Teller, Investigator, Juggler, Shugenja, Dreamer, Village Idiot Leviathan, Goblin, Mutant
8 The Stitch-Up Seamstress × 7 Leviathan, Goblin Every Townsfolk is a Seamstress
9 The New Acrobat Acrobat, Balloonist, Gossip, Knight, Gambler, Juggler, Steward Imp, Po, Goblin, Drunk
10 Don't Overcook It Slayer, Ravenkeeper, Undertaker, Fortune Teller, Chef, Recluse, Washerwoman Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
11 False Is the New Black Clockmaker, Snake Charmer, Dreamer, Sweetheart, Artist, Sage, Snake Charmer, Artist Vortox, Cerenovus, Pit-Hag, Mutant Guest puzzle by u/Allison314
12a Thunderstruck (6-player) Dreamer, Clockmaker, Empath, Slayer, Courtier, Mayor Vortox, Spy, Scarlet Woman, Lunatic Based on "Race To The Bottom"
12b Thunderstruck (8-player) Librarian, Investigator, Empath, Mayor, Slayer, Dreamer, Clockmaker, Courtier Vortox, Spy, Scarlet Woman, Lunatic Based on "Race To The Bottom"
13 Clockblocking Investigator, Clockmaker, Librarian, Ravenkeeper, Fortune Teller, Slayer, Recluse Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
14 New Super Marionette Bros Slayer, Washerwoman, Undertaker, Fortune Teller, Empath, Chef, Investigator Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Scarlet Woman, Marionette
15 Wake Up and Choose Violets Savant, Klutz, Juggler, Snake Charmer, Clockmaker, Seamstress, Artist, Snake Charmer No Dashii, Vortox, Evil Twin, Mutant
16 Who Watches the Watchmen? Saint, Empath, Fortune Teller, Nightwatchman, Recluse, Washerwoman, Investigator, Chef Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
17 The Missing Piece Puzzlemaster, Chef, Empath, Fortune Teller, Undertaker, Washerwoman, Investigator, Slayer Imp, Scarlet Woman Find a Puzzlemaster guess to solve the puzzle
18 X and the City Librarian, Juggler, Snake Charmer, Fortune Teller, Balloonist, Saint, Investigator, Recluse Leviathan, Xaan, Drunk
19 He Could Be You, He Could Be Me Librarian, Saint, Recluse, Slayer, Undertaker, Ravenkeeper, Washerwoman, Empath Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
20 The Three Wise Men Village Idiot × 3, Investigator, Saint, Virgin, Ravenkeeper Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
21 Eight Jugglers Juggling Juggler × 8 Leviathan, Goblin, Drunk Every Townsfolk is a Juggler
22 One in the Chamber Chambermaid, Investigator, Slayer, Ravenkeeper, Saint, Recluse, Librarian, Washerwoman Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
23 Goblincore Chef, Washerwoman, Investigator, Fortune Teller, Ravenkeeper, Goblin, Librarian, Slayer Imp, Goblin, Lunatic
24 The Ultimate Blunder Investigator, Klutz, Fortune Teller, Washerwoman, Virgin, Librarian, Chef, Empath Imp, Poisoner, Drunk
25 Clockdoku Sudoku-style puzzle
26 A Major Problem Empath, Saint, Slayer, Recluse, Librarian, Soldier, Undertaker, Chef Imp, Poisoner, Spy, Baron, Scarlet Woman, Drunk
27 Is This a Legion Game? Legionary × 3, Washerwoman, Investigator, Fortune Teller, Empath Imp, Poisoner Uses Legionary from "Fall of Rome" homebrew
28 A Study in Scarlet Chambermaid, Juggler, Undertaker, Librarian, Clockmaker, Empath, Fortune Teller, Oracle Pukka, No Dashii, Scarlet Woman, Drunk

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